Sometimes owning chickens isn't as smooth as we would like. Our hens don't always lay as many eggs as we think they should - or sometimes they don't lay any at all.
Here are 4 common reasons why your hens might not be laying any, or fewer than normal, eggs:
Stressed hens can either stop laying eggs or they can lay unusual eggs- such as eggs with no shells or odd shapes! Stress can be caused by numerous things such as running out of food/water, changes to the pecking order, moving coop or getting a fright.
Unwell hens - caused by disease or parasites - may stop laying eggs. Good parasite control is essential for making sure you have healthy hens. Make sure to check the withdrawal period for some dewormers as they can lead to deformed eggs and chicks.
Hen's Age:
One reason may be that your hens are simply not the right age to lay eggs. This could be because they are too old or too young. The age of the hen can depend on the breed!
Insufficient feeding:
If your hens are not getting the correct nutrients, their bodies may not be able to produce eggs. Be mindful that your hens are getting a healthy balanced diet with enough calcium!
Even if your hen is laying eggs - they may not be your typical egg. You may have noticed that sometimes your hens lay unusual looking eggs, here are a few different types and what they mean:
Eggs with no shells:
You may have seen a egg that has no shell or a soft shell. Shells are the last steps a hen takes before laying the egg so sometimes this step may be missed/skipped. This can be for a variety of reasons - such as insufficient calcium!
Eggs with lots of bumps:
Eggs with lots of bumps on tend to be caused by calcium deposits. This may be caused by excess calcium in your hen's diet or stress during the final stages of the calcification process.
Eggs with double yolks:
These eggs are very unusual since they have 2 yolks inside! Other than having an extra yolk, these eggs do not have anything wrong with them but they can cause your hen issues if the eggs are larger than normal so are harder to lay.
Tiny eggs:
Tiny eggs, sometimes referred to as Fairy eggs, are usually missing the yolk and are incredibly small in comparison to normal eggs. These may be produced by hens first start laying eggs whilst their reproductive system gets into the swing of things!