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Our Pecking Order... What are our favourite breeds? 🐓🔢
This week we thought we would let you all know what the team at Titan's favourite chicken breeds are and why we love them. With over 100 poultry breeds in the UK alone, there is more than a few for us to choose from - so let's get started.
Coming out of Lockdown - NEW Cube Door Openers
This year has been a little bit weird so far, to say the least. Despite the ups and downs of the last few months, we are now coming out of the other side - into the ominously named 'New Normal'. We at Titan, like many others, have picked up our fair share of hobbies over the last couple of months. From muddy mountain biking, to beekeeping, to attempting our own '60 Minute Makeover', we've tried it all. To that end, we know that a lot of people like us have invested their time into being outdoors, and many started keeping...