As chicken owners, Team Titan knows how our tasks change as the seasons change - so we thought we would write the seasonal tasks that need doing to make sure your flock is happy and healthy!
- Heat lamps can provide extra warmth (only do this for feather bare birds) you want to lessen the chill rather than make the coop warm
- Insulating the coop with bubble-wrap, cardboard or old carpets
- Extra bedding on the floor - 10cm+ of dry bedding of chopped straw or pine shavings on the floor
- Making sure their chicken house is weather-proof and protected against frost bite
- Minimise drafts in order to prevent heat loss (but make sure it is well ventilated!)
- Growing your own chicken-friendly plants is the best way to save money on chicken feed and it engages your flock’s natural foraging instincts. These include:
- Collect eggs and start incubating to increase your flock. Fertility should be at its best!
- Make sure your coop and run are predator-proofed!
- Remember that if the weather suddenly turns cold, you will need to ensure your flock's water supply is kept unfrozen and the coop is free from draughts (see winter care post for more details).
- Chilly or frozen ice treats are great for your chickens on hot days - keeping them cool and entertained! However, be careful not to give them too many. This can affect their balanced diet.
- If your flock is feeling the heat, fill a shallow tray with water - they can cool down by standing in the water.
- Although lice and mite prevention should be carried out all through the year, summer is the season when they are most common!
- Move this year's hatch to their new housing.
- Use the last of the dry weather to prepare for the winter. this could include fixing any damages to the coops, repainting and installing any our automatic door openers.
- Keep an eye on chickens for moulting as August is the most common month for this to happen.
- Keep up preventative measures against mite and lice infestation by regularly checking for signs of their presence.