Spring is an important time for poultry owners - it is the season where fertility in your chickens is at it's best!
For those who are looking to expand their flock there are lots of important products that can help this process. Here at Team Titan thought we would share with you our Spring Time Essentials list!
1. First up we have the ULTRA BRIGHT EGG CANDLER (retails for £18.49):
Highest LUX power while also creating no heat, making our candler a must for anyone incubating eggs. Suitable for use with almost every egg type - light, dark, thin and thick, such as French Marans, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Exotics.
Watching life form has never been easier as with our this candler, which even lets you see the first heartbeat and vein. Simple to use; just position your egg on top of the black ring shoulder fitting, activate the light with the push of a button and you'll be able to watch the life grow.
2. Next, we have another egg candler - the HIGH INTENSITY EGG CANDLER (retails for £16.49)
Titan Incubators' High Intensity Egg Candler. High LUX power while also creating no heat, making our candler a must for anyone incubating eggs. Suitable for use with almost every egg type - light, dark, thin and thick, such as French Marans, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Exotics.
3. Our newest product: the Mother Hen Chick Brooder Hen - Heat Lamp Replacement (39x39CM) (retails for £34.99)
The Titan 'Mother Hen' Brooder Hen is ideal for rearing up to 30-33 poultry or waterfowl chicks at a time. It is by far the safest and easiest way to keep your newly hatched chicks warm.
The flat design of the heating element maximises the area the heat reaches and our unique heat-diffuser plate emulates a mother hen, with the centre being the warmest area and cooling down towards the outside edges. This gives the chicks the freedom to move away from the heat, while still staying warm. Our 'Mother Hen' Brooder Hen can also be used to provide underfloor heat for parrot-type birds by inverting the heating plate.
4. The Classic Brooder Hen (30x30CM) (retails for £32.99)
The Titan Brooder Hen is ideal for rearing up to 25 poultry or waterfowl chicks at a time. It is by far the safest and easiest way to keep your newly hatched chicks warm.
The flat design of the heating element maximises the area the heat reaches and our unique heat-diffuser plate emulates a mother hen, with the centre being the warmest area and cooling down towards the outside edges. This gives the chicks the freedom to move away from the heat, while still staying warm. Our Brooder Hen can also be used to provide underfloor heat for parrot-type birds by inverting the heating plate.